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More Fun, Less Seasickness

Beyond the glamour of sailing through crystal blue waters may lie a harsher reality — seasickness. We try not to think about the impact rocky waters can have on our heads and stomachs, but for some, motion sickness is inevitable. According to the New York Times, motion sickness is actually quite common in cars, boats, and planes. “Motion sickness happens when there is an imbalance between the eyes, inner ears and spinal cord”, said Dr. Jennifer Dereby from House Clinic in Los Angeles.

If you’re one of the chosen that suffers from motion sickness, fear not! There are plenty of methods for prevention and remedies to make sure your trip with Mast Charters is smooth sailing, even if there are some rocky waves ahead. Here are some of our best tips and tricks:

  • Avoid greasy foods — Indigestion can trigger motion sickness, so choose your food and drinks wisely. Skip the spicy foods and alcohol for a few days before hopping aboard to avoid a messy situation…  ‘nuff said.
  • Enjoy the horizon —  If you’re feeling queasy, gaze ahead at the horizon or on a fixed point in the distance. Dr. Dereby suggests to “stand on a deck and look at the water or the horizon in the direction the ship is moving… doing so will reorient your inner ear.” If that doesn’t help, lie down to help stabilize your sensory systems: the eyes, ears, and back.
  • Hello, ginger! — A common preventative measure is to “take one to two grams of ginger” before hopping on the boat. Ginger has been known to be a natural treatment for nausea.
  • Give yourself a pep talk — Some believe that motion sickness is purely psychological, and that you can talk yourself out of it. Keep busy, stay distracted, and tell yourself you’ll be just fine.
  • Over-the-counter medication — If all else fails, turning to medication may be the best option. Common over-the-counter drugs such as Benadryl and Dramamine can help with motion sickness, but can make you sleepy, so take with caution!

It is possible to still have a great and exciting Mast Charters vacation on the immaculate waters of the Bahamas, even if you’re susceptible to seasickness. Prep, remedy, and we’ll see you at sea.

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