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New Year, New Adventures

We’ve all been there. You sit down, pull out your notebook, and start jotting down your New Year’s Resolutions. If you’re anything like us, “travel more” is almost always the first bullet point on your list. As we look ahead to 2018, we’re excited to take you and your guests on an unforgettable adventure like never before.

A new year is a clean slate, like a brand new passport waiting to be stamped. As you look towards your upcoming adventures and travels during the new year, here are few notes to add to your resolutions list:

Do something different.  

For many, a private yacht in the middle of the British Virgin Islands may seem a bit intimidating when compared to opting for a traditional resort-style vacay, but don’t be scared to dive right into all the endless possibilities that the Caribbean offers.

Get out of your comfort zone.  

Try cuisine specific to the Bahamas and the Caribbean, or try a new activity like scuba diving, surfing at Guana Cay or attending a Wild Boar Roast! Immersing yourself into your destination’s culture will get you the most out of your vacation.

Document your travels.  

Put down the phone, disconnect from wifi, and grab a journal. At the end of each day, jot down what you did and what made it so special. When you go back to read about your travels, those words will bring you right back to those amazing memories!

Pack less, do more.  

When you’re out to sea, you don’t need to take much with you. Forget the makeup and that fifth pair of shoes you might want to wear… you’ll have much more room for all the unique things you’ll find on your trip.
It’s the time to make it happen. 2018 is calling. Are you ready? Book your adventure with MAST Charters today.